Scott Helms wrote:
Now, in general for greenfield builds I'd agree except for PON, which is in many cases cheaper than an Ethernet build.
As PON require considerably longer drop cable from a splitters to 4 or 8 subscribers, it can not be cheaper than Ethernet, unless subscriber density is very high.
I have customers in Montana and Wyoming especially that have this challenge where they can either choose to pay for an ATM capable OC12 (622 mbps minus overhead) for a given price per month or a Gig-E connection for nearly twice the amount of MRC.
Obviously, the solution is IP over SONET.
Do you have any documentation to this effect?
In http://www.soumu.go.jp/main_sosiki/joho_tsusin/policyreports/chousa/bb_seibi... you can see 51km cabling with PON costs 232000K JPY, whereas 221km cabling with SS costs 675000K JPY (in Japanese), For each subscriber, PON cost 311K JPY, whereas SS cost 304K JPY, even though SS case is about twice less subsrriber density (28.8 vs 16.2 subscribers/km2). Masataka Ohta