As Sean stated, it is more of an issue of who comes to NANOG. Anyone working on security issues within ISP's is welcome to come.....we WANT them to come and participate. Sorry if it was misleading. - merike At 05:07 PM 10/2/2002 -0500, dgold wrote:
Why would you want peering coordinators to speak at a Security BOF? I would think that you would want network engineers who are knowledgable in backbone security techniques to speak. The interaction of this set to the set of peering coordinators tends to be rather weak - not nonexistant, just not very significant.
- Daniel Golding
On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Merike Kaeo wrote:
Hello Everyone.
Barry Greene and I will be hosting an ISP Security BOF at the upcoming meeting. Please check out http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0210/securebof.html
We are soliciting input from peering coordinators who wish to participate in this BOF.....if you are one, please fill out the form below and e-mail it to kaeo@merike.com with Subject: ISP Security BOF I. (It may give Barry's email on the web page....please forward to me since I will be collecting all the data) Thanks!
- merike
Name: Title: Company:
Check each that applies:
___ We are an ISP (sell access to the Internet) ___ We are a Non-ISP (content company, etc.) ___ We are Content-Heavy ___ We are Access-Heavy ___ We respond to all request by our customers to help them mitigate an
___ We traceback attacks on our customer to the border or the source. ___ We will use route manipulation or packet filtering to mitigate attacks on our customer. ___ We have sinkhole networks and the backscatter trace back tools implemented in our network ___ We will collect evidence and work with law enforcement. ___ We have a global network. ___ We will work with other ISPs to traceback attacks. ___ We have a dedicated ISP Security Team. ___ Our ISP Security/NOC Team is a registered FIRST (www.first.org) member. ___ Our ISP Security/NOC Team has all the RFC 2142 security aliases and a public "security" web page with our contacts and policies. ___ If given the opportunity, I would like to stand up and say a few words about my network, our security tools, and how we would like to work with other ISP Security Teams. ___ If given the opportunity, I would like to present a short (5-10 minutes) on a neat ISP security trick with my peers.