In message <D12EFE8F-466E-4751-BF67-967C8696B4E4@beckman.org>, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
I’m just saying that I randomly checked one fact and it doesn’t meet the level of positive certainty that you asserted. It’s thus reasonable to ask you to double check your research all around. I’m not willing to be your unpaid copy editor, so let me know when you’ve done a double check and I’ll be willing to invest time in your story again.
Well, let's dissect that a bit. You're asserting an inadequate "level of positive certainty" but you have not specified about what, in particular. I posted a link to a list of 71 different RADB entries that were present in the Merit/RADB data base as of August 17th, all of which gave every appearance of having been created by Mr. Elad Cohen. I will assume for the moment that you are not calling into question the "positive certainty" that I have about any of that data or about any of those RADB entries. Out of those 71 routes, most of which appear to be rather clearly fradulent, you have picked out exactly and only -one- of those 71, and your only criticism seems to be that I haven't been quite precise enough in my identification of the exact victim, somewhere in Australia, in that one particular case. I just want to make sure that I understand. You're -not- claiming that either Mr. Cohen or FDCServers, or Cogent had any legitimate rights or titles to that specific block (, correct? You are only claiming that I have mis-identified the victim of this particular squat as being `X' when I should more properly have said that the actual victim was in fact `Y'. Am I summarizing your criticism accurately? Regards, rfg P.S. Not that it matters to the point Mel raised, but I would like to just note in passing that the block, may perhaps *not* in fact be routed by AS174 (Cogent) anymore, although it did appear to still be routed by AS17, at least to bgp.he.net, as of 05 Sep 2019 20:34 PST: https://bgp.he.net/net/ More current data from RIPEStat indicates that this entire /16 is now being routed by Mr. Cohen's new good friends at AS204655, Novogara Ltd., which appears to be owned and operated by the same two sterling Dutch gentlemen, Mr. Ferdinand Reinier Van Eeden and Mr. Bartholomeus Johannes ("Bap") Karreman, who also appear to be the owners/operators of what is noadays called "IP Volume Inc." and which previously was known as Quasi Networks, and which was, before that, known as Ecatel. Novogara appears to have become home to quite a number of sizable IPv4 legacy blocks, from both the AFRINIC region and also the APNIC region, in very recent days: https://bgp.he.net/AS204655#_prefixes The fact that there seems to be a rather significant correlation between the IPv4 legacy blocks currently being announced by Mr. Van Eeden's and Mr. Karreman's several Dutch ASNs and the list of pilfered IPv4 legacy blocks that Mr. Cohen was kind enough to supply in the RADB data base should, in my opinion, come as a surprise to exactly no one.