When, oh when, will the nanog sewage treatment plant go into operation. Bill
@> Laina Raveendran Greene is currently a candidate in the Internet @> Society's political elections... @> http://www.isoc.org/members/vote/98election/98candinfo.shtml#LAINA @> REVEENDREN GREENE she has a background with the ITU and large telco @> interests which Michael Dillon falsely claims I have. @ @This sounds like you are saying that you do NOT have a background with @large telco interets. Then how do you explain your statement posted to the @IETF mailing list on Nov 1/1996 saying that you used to work for AT&T's @Bell Labs? Here is what you said: @ @ No, Bill Frezza worked primarily in Holmdel, NJ. @ @ Phil Karn and I worked together at Bell Labs Indian Hill, in @ Naperville, IL. @ @ "ihnss" was located there...if you go back that far... @ @Are you attempting to "coverup" your background? @ @Did they tell you to deny everything? @ @> > There is a different between being part of the process and raising @> > valid @> > question and the disruptive attacks Jim launched against the APNIC and @> > Asia/Pacific ISP community. While Jim was launching his attacks, solid @> > discussion was attempted by JPNIC member to clarify items from the @ @How long have you been involved in these "covert" operations in Asia? @ @You seem to spend a lot of time collecting information about Internet @organizations and writing disruptive emails. Who pays you for all this @time? @ @Have you ever had CIA "psychops" training? I hear they are very good. @ @ @-- @Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting @Memra Communications Inc. - E-mail: michael@memra.com @http://www.memra.com - *check out the new name & new website* @ @ @ @
@@@@ http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/domainname/130dftmail/marchindex.htm
"Comments on the Technical Management of Internet Domain Names Cumulative Index March, 1998
@@@@ http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/domainname/130dftmail/03_23_98-2.htm
March 23, 1998 Part Two ... - Unir Corporation; Jim Fleming JimFleming@doorstep.unety.net .... @@@@@@@
- Jim Fleming Unir Corporation - http://www.unir.net/IPv8 IPv8 - Designed for the Rest of the Human Race AM Radio Stations ---> http://www.DOT.AM