The documentation for IOS-XR suggests that enabling extended-router in the sFlow configuration should export "Autonomous system path to the destination", at least on the 8000 series routers: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/iosxr/cisco8000/netflow/command/refere... I couldn't find a similar option in the NetFlow/IPFIX configuration guide, but I might have missed it. On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 10:48 AM Saku Ytti <saku@ytti.fi> wrote:
On Thu, 28 Mar 2024 at 17:49, Peter Phaal <peter.phaal@gmail.com> wrote:
sFlow was mentioned because I believe Brian's routers support the feature and may well export the as-path data directly via sFlow (I am not aware that it is a feature widely supported in vendor NetFlow/IPFIX implementations?).
Exporting AS information is wire-format agnostic feature, if it's supported or not, it can equally be injected into sFlow, NetflowV5 (src and dst only), NetflowV9 and IPFIX. The cost is that you need to program in FIB entries the information, so that the information becomes available at look-up time for record creation.
In OP's case (IOS-XR) this means enabling 'attribute-download' for BGP, and I believe IOS-XR will never download any other asn but src and dst, therefore full information cannot be injected into any emitted wire-format. -- ++ytti