sigh... A goodly section of Cambridge lost power, a utility worker 42 years old with 6 children died, give it a break. The POPs affected were legacy NEARNET (I believe) POPs which are primarily used today for 56kbps links modulo the legacy connections with larger pipes. These were **not** backbone POPs. Should they have had a better power backup solution?, yeah. Did it affect BBNs' backbone?, thank God *no* at least I'm thankful for that.
"Year of the Backhoe" and "Blackout Daze" #%^>
Yup. I think the BBN issue was a router colo at MIT. MIT has a co generation faciliry in Cambridge and it had a large panel catch fire as a result of the explosion, which as it was explained to me, caused the co-gen to go black. Subsequently, MIT's system went dark affecting NEARNet service. [ Mike - correct me if I'm wrong ] 1 man died, and two others were seriously injured. Almost half of the P.R. of Cambridge had telephone AND electricity shutdown due to the explosion. They had no idea *still dont* as to what caused it. -- Martin Hannigan (hannigan@tiac.net) 617-276-7359 TIAC - Network Operations Semper Cabalis Network Engineer http://www.tiac.net