MAE City NPA /NXX MAE EAST Washington, D.C. 703-506 MAE WEST San Jose, CA 408-975 MAE CHICAGO 312-946 MAE DALLAS 214-880 MAE HOUSTON 713-236 MAE LOS ANGELES 213-312 MAE NEW YORK 212-425
-----Original Message----- From: Mark Knopper [SMTP:mak@ieng.com] Sent: Sunday, October 04, 1998 10:18 PM To: delder@usweb.com; nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: Exchange Point NPA/NXX"s
Ameritech is 312/727. Mark
On Sun, Oct 04, 1998 at 06:52:59PM -0400, Derek Elder wrote:
Can someone forward me the NPA/NXX's that you use to provision circuits
MAE-East, MAE-West, Sprint, Ameritech, and Pac Bell?
D E R E K E L D E R Senior Engineer, CCIE# 4048 __________________________________________ USWeb Corporation http://www.usweb.com/ Network Solutions Practice 733 Third Avenue 7th Floor New York, NY 10017 ph: 212 301 2200 fax: 212 301 2201 mailto:delder@usweb.com
USWeb - A Strategic Partner for the Information Age
-- Mark Knopper email: mak@ieng.com Internet Engineering Group, LLC phone: (734) 669-8800 ext 13 122 S. Main, Suite 280 fax: (734) 669-8661 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 www: http://www.ieng.com