At 22:59 3/18/98 -0800, you wrote:
For a good example of this, whois perhaps.youwant.to, then nslookup perhaps.youwant.to. It looks like someone tried to pull a Kashpureff that didn't really succeed.
The nslookup version of perhaps.youwant.to came first, by the way.
So what can we do to actually get something done about it? Anyone?
Currently, I'm talking to a couple of people in the computer news world (one electronic, one electronic and print) about doing a nice expose-style article. Seems that we should be getting SOMETHING for our $100, no? [snip...] I forgot to mention that I've been in contact with Bode & Biddle as well; the firm sueing NSI over the registration fee. Seems that NSI's stance (including email from NSI that specifically says they won't delete a domain unless they don't pay) fits in nicely with the argument that NSI is a "money-grubbing monopoly". Spam: it's not just for breakfast anymore.... Dean Robb PC-Easy On-site computer services (757) 495-EASY [3279]