Dear All, Please ignore my mail of 12:40 today. As half a dozen people have asked me by now, no this was not intended for the full list, just for one of the posters, and I should have paid more attention to what my mail program said it was going to do, rather than assume that it'd do what I though it should do. Sorry. Henk (back to hiding under my desk for the rest of the day). --- On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Henk Uijterwaal (RIPE-NCC) wrote: [comments deleted] --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henk Uijterwaal Email: henk.uijterwaal@ripe.net RIPE Network Coordination Centre WWW: http://www.ripe.net/home/henk P.O.Box 10096 Singel 258 Phone: +31.20.5354414 1001 EB Amsterdam 1016 AB Amsterdam Fax: +31.20.5354445 The Netherlands The Netherlands Mobile: +31.6.55861746 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That problem that we weren't having yesterday, is it better? (Big ISP NOC)