On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Jon Mansey wrote:
At the risk of a 'me too" posting, I got it too...
Attachment New_Napster_Site.DOC.scr was Quarantined for the following reasons: Virus UNAUTHORIZED FILE was found.
Seems like a different one each time. Is this a new way to disguise viruses?
I've been noticing an increasing number of spams coming in as infected with viruses. I wonder if this is: 1) Accidental, in that their spam mail got unwittingly infected on the spam-originating host 2) deliberate, in an attempt infect spam victoms 3) delibertate on the part of some mischevious hacker, as an attempt to flag spammers by infecting them with email viruses, hoping to ruin them and their spamming exercises by letting victoms' servers bounce back spam through some anti-virus software they installed. Hmmm....anti-virus software as a tool against spam. Who woulda thought?
At 11:56 AM -0400 4/18/01, SMcGrath@dhhs.state.nh.us wrote:
I have received 1 with the me_naked.avi.pif
It went into the trash bin