On Sun, 2011-08-14 at 19:07 -0700, Matthew Petach wrote:
Of course, if he had local AC power available, it would kinda defeat one of the points of having PoE, which is to be able to put switches where there isn't a convenient AC drop to begin with. ^_^;
True. Leo's point of being able to centrally provide UPS has merit. I'm just a big believer in minimizing outage effect scope as much as possible mainly because I know for a fact that if I took down my house's central switch, my wife while understanding why she can't reach outside her office would be quite annoyed that everything in her office was unreachable. -- /*=================[ Jake Khuon <khuon@NEEBU.Net> ]=================+ | Packet Plumber, Network Engineers /| / [~ [~ |) | | -------- | | for Effective Bandwidth Utilisation / |/ [_ [_ |) |_| NETWORKS | +==================================================================*/