At 3:11 PM -0400 10/1/07, Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
So it boils down to "Do you think that once that camel has gotten its nose into the tent, he'll ever actually leave?".
(Consider that if (for example) enough ISPs deploy that sort of migration tool, then Amazon has no incentive to move to IPv6, and then the ISP is stuck keeping it around because they don't dare turn off Amazon).
If indeed one believes that's there more functionality for having end-to-end IPv6, then presumably their competitors will roll out services which make use of these capabilities, and Amazon will feel some pressure to follow. Operating through NAT-PT is not very exciting and it's not going to take much (e.g. quality video support) to cause major content providers to want to have native end-to-end communication. Amazingly, it creates an actual motivation for existing IPv4 content sites to considering adding IPv6 support, which is something we've lacked to date. /John