On 9/14/2011 10:41 AM, Leigh Porter wrote:
On Wed, 2011-09-14 at 08:33 -0500, N. Max Pierson wrote:
Either way, it's pathetic. If someone is going to slander in the fashion the site has done, they should at least put a contact form somewhere for some feedback :) Slander means falsehood. Cisco tells lies ?
Lies? So who has 100G MX series cards then..?
That's disingenuous. The question was not whether Cisco has ever lied, but whether the web page lies. The web page very carefully picks and chooses facts, but I don't think it actually lies. Therefore, it isn't slander. It's just mudslinging. Also, on another note, nobody should be surprised that the registration information doesn't say "Cisco." Think about it: would they want "whois overpromisesunderdelivers.com" to say "Cisco" all over it?