Put another way, since _every_ network does this, if you do not want to buy from 'such networks', you cannot buy transit.
Let's put it another 'nother way. Would an end user get better connectivity by buying from a reseller of transit? In other words, buying transit from a network which also buys transit. Presumably up near the top of the chain (Tier 1 vicinity), that transit reseller has a lot of peering in place with other folks in the same neighborhood (Tier 1 vicinity). But as long as a network is a transit reseller (i.e. they buy transit), then they are less likely to suffer from partition events caused by fractious peering negotiations. --Michael Dillon frac*tious (frakshus) adj. 1. Inclined to make trouble; unruly. 2. Having a peevish nature; cranky. Also likely to cause your network having connectivity to only a fraction of the Internet.