In article <5A055785-D55E-47A3-87B0-58B0DE81F60E@delong.com>, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> writes
NAT provides a solution to, lets call it, enterprise multihoming. Remote office with a local Internet connection, but failover through the corporate network.
And for home (/homeworker) networks ... eg I have a NAT box with a default connection to my ADSL provider and an automatic failover to 3G (completely separate supplier).
Almost everything inside my network doesn't notice when it switches over.
Now, if only I could get it to automatically revert to ADSL when it reappears - I wouldn't have to worry so much about the 3G bill.
In this case in IPv6, the better choice is to have addresses on each host from both providers. When a provider goes away, the router should invalidate the prefix in the RAs. If the hosts have proper address selection policies, they will actually go back to the ADSL prefix as soon as it reappears.
Which in turn implies that I'd have to start getting involved in DNS for the hosts inside my network. At the moment I can ignore that and just enter their rfc1918 address into various applications. [This is all under Windows, of course, the sort of user I'm playing at being doesn't use anything more sophisticated.] In any event, two of my applications are not IPv6 compatible, and would require significant upgrading. And will my ADSL provider and my 3G provider both switch to IPv6 at about the same time? Unfortunately this all sounds like a lot of work, but am I a rare kind of user? -- Roland Perry