On 04/24/2013 03:26 PM, Fred Baker (fred) wrote:
Frankly, the ISPs likely to be tracking this list aren't the people holding back there. To pick on one that is fairly public, Verizon Wireline is running dual stack for at least its FIOS customers, and also deploying CGN, and being pretty up front about the impacts of CGN. Verizon Wireless, if I understand the statistics available, is estimated to have about 1/4 of its client handsets accessing Google/Yahoo/Facebook using IPv6.
Fred, isn't the larger problem those enterprise's outward facing web presence, etc? As great as it is that vzw is deploying on handsets, don't they also need to dual-stack and by inference cgn (eventually) so that their customers can get at the long tail of non-v6 sites? Mike