Dont know, but I was seeing lots-o-problems to 852 174 6453 15605 at the PSINet / Teleglobe link in New York. At the time I didnt know if it was a just a problem to Iceland (15605) or it started in Teleglobe. I didnt have time to take a close look then. Teleglobe has a looking glass at http://reporter.teleglobe.net/bin/lg that might shed some light on it. ---Mike At 12:26 PM 17/07/2002 -0400, Robert Viau wrote:
Does anyone know if there are any large routing issues or outages going on at Teleglobe? I'm having trouble reaching various destinations and they are all dying on their network.
************************************** Robert Viau - CCNA, CCDA CTAC Specialist, Dedicated WorldCom Canada Ltd.
Local : 416.216.5101 Toll Free : 1.888.886.3865 EMail : rviau@wcom.ca **************************************