I have two separate entries for sets of phone numbers/email addresses, associated with my name, that must be in Cogent's CRM system as cold leads. About every six months I am contacted by a new person whom I've never heard of before. My theory is that each newbie Cogent sales rep has been assigned a bunch of random cold leads to call and attempt to sell. The most recent tactic is to request 1 or 10Gb IP transit at impossible to service sites, such as AT&T Long Lines towers on top of 1000 meter high mountains, in Deadhorse Alaska, or the CLLI codes for the COs of tiny coastal villages on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Invariably I never hear anything back from that person again. The cycle repeats again six months later. On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 1:12 AM Töma Gavrichenkov <ximaera@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 7:17 PM David Hubbard <dhubbard@dino.hostasaurus.com> wrote:
When they spam me I typically just ask if they have IPv6 to Google and never hear back…
Same here. Each time they reach out to me I quickly send them to investigate if they are able to lift the stupid 100th percentile requirement Cogent imposes on us or not yet. Total Cogent sales rep hours wasted with me: a few hundred I believe.
Gonna think about automating this, but am a bit concerned about the climate impact.
-- Töma