On Sun, 18 Apr 2004, Doug White wrote:
I likewise would like to see a better way - but changing the whole internet is completely illogical. Educating the masses is the same. As soon as I see a solution that will work, I will probably try to implement it on my system.
Abbot and Costello do Internet security. Who's on first, what's on second, I don't know is on third base. When the Morris worm was release, there wasn't a patch available. Since then essentially every compromised computer has been via a vulnerability with a patch available or misconfiguration (or usually lack of configuration). As far as improvements go, Microsoft's XP SP2 is a great improvement. If you have a Window's machine, implementing XP SP2 could help with a lot of the stupid vulnerabilities. Unfortunately less than 50% of Internet users have XP. Should ISPs start requiring their users to install Windows XP SP2?