I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. If the number isn't unique and can't be used and the network in question can NEVER attach to the Internet, why bother to get an officially assigned number at all? -Jeff Ogden Merit/MichNet ------- Forwarded message Received: from merit.edu by um.cc.umich.edu via MTS-Net; Wed, 26 Jan 94 20:48:32 EST Return-Path: <medin@nsipo.nasa.gov> Received: from dscs.arc.nasa.gov by merit.edu (4.1/1123-1.0) id AA12653; Wed, 26 Jan 94 20:46:11 EST Received: from localhost.arc.nasa.gov by dscs.arc.nasa.gov (4.1/1.5T) id AA00964; Wed, 26 Jan 94 17:46:09 PST Message-Id: <9401270146.AA00964@dscs.arc.nasa.gov> To: Vince Fuller <vaf@valinor.stanford.edu> Cc: regional-techs@merit.edu Subject: Re: Comments solicited: assignment of non-routed network numbers In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 26 Jan 94 16:50:17 PST." <CMM.> Date: Wed, 26 Jan 94 17:46:09 -0800 From: "Milo S. Medin" (NASA ARC NSI Office) <medin@nsipo.nasa.gov> AN RFC is being drafted to assign a "non-globally unique" network number out of class A,B, and C space, for the NIC to respond to these queries with. You should use one of them if it's a disconnected segment which will never require access. Note people really need to understand the meaning of that - including that they won't be able to talk to root nameservers, etc... Thanks, milo