If, 10 years ago (1999) when most internet-connected homes still used dialup, you had suggested that ISPs would be putting in gigabit services to homes, people would have laughed. Yet today, here we are talking about gig feeds. I wonder how much bandwidth homes will be using 10 years from now...
s/be using/have access to/ One could make the argument that when we were doing dial-up over POTS the % utilization vs port speed was higher than today with packet switching to the curb. People have been lamenting the lack of for-profit apps that will actually each up these 100+ mb/s residential pipes (the "killer app"). One could further argue that the talk of gigabit pipes to the home has been ushered in by the cost-effectiveness of gigabit ethernet over SONET or other technologies and this is why we are seeing such a massive increase in the port speeds to customers. As a percentage of pipe available (discounting things like kiddie's using Torrent), I wouldn't be surprised to see that percentage drop. (Residential broadband folks chime in please). Deepak