On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Brandon Kim <brandon.kim@brandontek.com>wrote:
Interesting question, I'd like to know more about this myself. I'm so used to monitoring SNMP-based devices, never really thought about multi-casts and being able to see the pattern/tree....
Shameless plug, I once developed a tool which was called multicast weathermap. You can see what remains of it here: http://netmon.grnet.gr/multicast-map.shtml (hover over the nodes and the links and you can see various useful info) (you can see the tree of a specific group by selecting from the drop down list at the bottom) and the presentation here http://tnc2004.terena.org/programme/presentations/show2c2c.html?pres_id=47 Since I too myself am into multicast, I intended to incorporate into it everything needed to know everything. But eventually it was left as it is. Apart from that, the NNM advanced used to have a multicast plugin, and it was fairly usable. You could take a look at it probably, but I don't know whether it can handle those MPLS cases you mention. Lastly, those guys at Poznan used to work on a tool called Muvi http://muvi.man.poznan.pl/ You may want to take a look, although I fear it too has been abandoned. Best Regards, Athanasios
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 08:59:13 -0400 Subject: Multicast Network Monitoring From: rjsager@gmail.com To: nanog@nanog.org
Curious if anyone has any experience with tools specifically for monitoring multicast. Finds where the trees are, paths they are on, tracks all senders/receivers per group, handles PIM-SM, RPs, MSDP, MDT Tunnels over MPLS VPN, etc. Such as Cisco Multicast Manager, EMC Ionix Multicast Manager, CA Spectrum? The good and the bad? Worth the effort/investment?