Theorically it's doable. But mostly No to your questions. IXP means Internet eXchange Point. So it is public Internet. Why do you want to use private IP address ? Most RIR allocate /24 unit for IXP. For troubleshooting purpose, it is better to use public IP address as it is designed. Unless you want to have MPLS/VPN only connections, and use private IP Addr/ASN between them. Sharlon R. Carty wrote:
Hello NANOG,
I like would to know what are best practices for an internet exchange. I have some concerns about the following; Can the IXP members use RFC 1918 ip addresses for their peering? Can the IXP members use private autonomous numbers for their peering?
Maybe the answer is obviuos, but I like to know from any IXP admins what their setup/experiences have been.