Hi Paul, As stated in my last post, I am happy to discuss the technical merits of BandCon’s products with any individual. However, I think most here will concur, this is not the proper platform for such discussions. On a personal note, I have been an active NANOG participant for over 10 years and don’t see that changing anytime soon. -Todd Braning On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Paul Wall<pauldotwall@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 4:43 PM, tb<tbraning@gmail.com> wrote:
My name is Todd Braning, I work on the technical side of the BandCon house. I am afraid Paul's email is inaccurate.
Yo Todd!
It's good to hear that you've listened to feedback and made these key operational operational changes. I wish you the best of luck going foward. Please keep in mind that I wasn't trying to smear your company, but rather provide the original poster with real-word feedback on a particular vendor whose customers I've worked with many times over. It would be great if you could stay on the list and join us in future discussions.
Keeping things topical for the NANOG list, could you tell us a little more about BandCon's transport offering as relates to backbone policy? Is IP transit traffic preferenced over your PWEs, or the other way around, or are they both FIFO'd? What TE, QoS policy, and signaling/congestion controls have you deployed to deal with multiple customers purchasing 10G pipes and competing for access to a single 10G path between metros? Do you have a general policy on oversubscription ratios you'd be able to share without going into NDA'ed territory?
Also on-topic, I know a lot of community members have voiced RECENT concern with the relentless tactics of your sales force, some of it bordering on CAN-SPAM violation and criminal harassment. Could you speak a little bit to what you're doing to bring this under control? Would it be a problem if people mail you off-list with any specific problems they've encountered there?
Drive Slow, Paul Wall