16 May
16 May
4:38 p.m.
At 11:35 AM 5/8/2001 -0700, Sean Donelan wrote:
No central server appears to mean no instant messages, am I correct?
As currently implemented, probably so. This is why I'm so interested in maintaining the Any Source Multicast model, in a way that doesn't require any given group to depend on an Internet-wide rendezvous point. In other words, the network directly supports the persistent space (the multicast group) without a central server. Hmm. Is flooding the only way to do the dissemination of information without doing it client/server? === Bill Nickless http://www.mcs.anl.gov/people/nickless +1 630 252 7390 PGP:0E 0F 16 80 C5 B1 69 52 E1 44 1A A5 0E 1B 74 F7 nickless@mcs.anl.gov