4 Feb
4 Feb
5:38 a.m.
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008, Todd Underwood wrote:
there has has been a lot of speculation that this is all some US prelude to war with iran. while i don't claim to know much about whether that makes any sense, i do know that if they're trying to disconnect iran from the internet, they're doing a lousy job:
An extremely poor job if that was the intent. According to SLAC, throughput to Iran actually improved. https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/IEPM/Effects+of+Fibre+Outage+th... If the intent was to cut off Iran, they're picking the wrong cables. TAE goes across the northern part of Iran http://taeint.net/en/network/middle/ FLAG via UAE, SE-ME-WE-3 (not 4), ITOUR and KAFOS Sometimes concicidences are concidences.