He he, why do you think YADA starts with yet another? The devil is in the details I guess. AA makes A twice longer, that's the easy piece. But then, what is the story for the A->AA transition? The key piece the concept of the shaft, that enables to transit AA between levels while seeing plain IPv4 in each realm. It is as necessary for parallel planes as RFC 1918 is necessary for the private domains. In fact that could be seen as the reverse. The Internet connects multiple private domains using NATs. The shaft connects multiple internets using IP-in-IP. But it has to be the exact same (assigned) IPv4 footprint at every layer. But for any of that to happen you need at least a IANA assignment and a Linux or two that play ball. We need to think that through before we waste the last IPv4 free land, or assign Agreed, the publication for the link below day is incredibly timely. Such is the request to pay for natural resources with a declining currency. Let us assign the YADA prefix and start experiment 2, baby step 1. Keep safe; Pascal
-----Original Message----- From: Rubens Kuhl <rubensk@gmail.com> Sent: vendredi 1 avril 2022 12:32 To: Pascal Thubert (pthubert) <pthubert@cisco.com> Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: V6 still not supported
Are you ready for that, or should we wait another 80 years with dual stack and gigantic stateful NATs?
That's what this network is going to do: https://www.aa.net.uk/etc/news/ipv6-end-of-trial/
There is something odd about the day this was published, though.