Subject: Re: Fw: Administrivia: ORBS
At 06:31 PM 1/13/00 -0500, Shawn McMahon wrote:
If that's true, they're going too far, and won't be able to become widespread enough to matter.
That's a damn shame.
So if I am an open relay, and I know it, all I have to do is block ORBS to continue without fear of reprisal? Until no one use you as open spam-relay, it's not more than your personal concern.
What ORBS is doing is like some man who is walking by the street and, if you forgot to close your car, break the ignition locks and write message _dear sir; you did not closed your car, and it could be stolen or used for the crime; to prevent it, I broke your car - now bad guys could not abuse it for their dark purposes_. Guess when this man finish his work? Just the same ORBS. It's your concern to have open relay as long as it does not bother others.
What do other open relay lists (e.g. MAPS/RSS) do when they are filtered at the network level?
TTFN, patrick
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Aleksei Roudnev, (+1 415) 585-3489 /San Francisco CA/