You can visit the US-CERT website at http://www.us-cert.gov/reading_room/ for overview and recommendations on wireless. Jerry ----- Original Message ----- From: Brandon Galbraith To: MARLON BORBA Cc: Deepak Jain ; nanog@merit.edu Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 7:21 PM Subject: Re: Open WiFi Access Point BCP's??? On 4/27/07, MARLON BORBA <MBORBA@trf3.gov.br> wrote: If you want to follow just one rule, it's this:- Instruct your users to never (I mean NEVER) use applications which run over unencrypted protocols. Security first. Abraços, Indeed. If you know ahead of time unencrypted 802.11(whatever) is going to be used, *always* use a VPN or tunnel of some sort to secure your traffic (if the apps you'll be using have no native encryption).