Plixer Replicator will do this via REST API is you are looking for a commercial solution. If you’re looking for a free solution, Samplicator will do this via config file. Neither is a “collector” as neither stores the flows. They simply forward/copy UDP streams based on a set policy. It sounds like this is what you are after. (Full disclosure I works for Plixer) Mike Krygeris On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 9:31 AM Drew Weaver <drew.weaver@thenap.com> wrote:
Good morning everyone,
I am looking for a Netflow collector that can forward flows based on src ip/src net dst ip/dst net to another collector in either real or near time.
If it can be configured via an API that is even better than having to edit configuration files.
If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it.