On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, Dean Anderson wrote:
There is no exception in 2511 for what Ravi did.
Since when does the law prohibit the monitoring of NOC email which is what Ravi did? Or are you complaining about Ravi's equipment being configured to monitor the IP address field on packets in order to route them to null0? Both of these sound like the normal course of business to me.
The anti-spammers usually claim the abuse exception as justification for instituting a block. Its their best (though still flimsy) argument.
There may be a better justification. I don't know enough details yet but I do know that cellular providers have banded together to share information on whether a subscriber is a "bandit" or not. When you roam into a new area not covered by your cellular provider, they can query a database to see if you have paid your bills with your home provider. GTE is one of three companies that operates a database service that is used by telcos all over North America. It would also be interesting to see if there are some parallels in the capabilities of CCS7 to trace phone calls. -- Michael Dillon - E-mail: michael@memra.com Check the website for my Internet World articles - http://www.memra.com