On 04/01/2011 11:44 AM, George Bonser wrote:
From: Joao C. Mendes Ogawa Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 6:14 PM Subject: Fwd: IPv4 Address Exhaustion Effects on the Earth
--Jonny Ogawa
----- Forwarded message from Stephen H. Inden -----
Dang, I was hoping to see an RFC on Bufferbloat in Avian Carriers and how tail-drop is a messy solution that is to be avoided.
Sigh... A major opportunity missed. Unfortunately the bufferbloat problem isn't a laughing matter, though I do wish I had thought of this idea in time for my talk. I will include this joke as some levity about the mess we're in as I repeat the talk going forward, and would tie in very nicely with one of the amusing reasons that "RED in a different light" has never been published. I really hate giving such bad news without some levity as it can be a real downer both for me and the audience. For those of you who missed my IETF talk, you can find the latest version (tweaked since IETF) at: http://mirrors.bufferbloat.net/Talks/PragueIETF/ I suspect audio is some place on the net as well; I presented at the transport area meeting. The questions after my talk are also very worth listening to. Time was precious in that venue, so I did feel rushed and hope to get a better opportunity in a month or two for that. It's a shorter version of my first talk given at Murray Hill http://mirrors.bufferbloat.net/Talks/BellLabs01192011/ which does have additional information impossible to fit in that short a time slot. - Jim