Does anybody happen to know of any open source project working on a BGP route optimizer like what Route Science or Internap or the likes have commercially?
The TOTEM project (see http://totem.info.ucl.ac.be/ ) is building a set of open source traffic engineering tools. Our focus is currently on tools that can allow ISPs to engineer/capacity plan their network by : - tuning BGP configuration - tuning IGP weights - establishing intra- and inter-domain MPLS tunnels The TOTEM toolbox will evolve over a three years period and the first version will be available this fall from the project web site. Concerning BGP, the project has already developped a tool called C-BGP (http://cbgp.info.ucl.ac.be) that can be used to simulate the behavior of BGP in large networks. C-BGP supports a configuration language similar to current routers and we have used it to simulated networks with 10.000 routers. We are currently using CBGP to perform what-if analysis to evaluate the impact of link, router and peering failures in transit networks. We are interested in discussing with ISPs who would like to use/test such an opensource traffic engineering toolbox on ther network. Best regards, Olivier Bonaventure -- CSE Dept. UCL, Belgium - http://www.info.ucl.ac.be/people/OBO/