On Apr 21, 2009, at 10:36 AM, Roger Marquis wrote:
Thanks for the reply John, but PPML has not worked to-date. Too many legacy interests willing and able to veto any such attempt at a sustainable netblock return policy. Not sure how us folks, of a similar mind as it were, would be able to change that equation. IMO this change has to come from the top down. Towards that goal can you give us any hint as to how to effect that?
Let's translate that: There is no consensus in the community who defines goals and objectives for ARIN to do Something. Can you tell me how we can hijack the process and subjugate the community to our will? Roger -- although you'll find I'm no fan of Legacy holders and their "rights", I can't say that I follow your logic on having ARIN just "do something" against the will of the community. -- Jo Rhett Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness