9 Oct
9 Oct
6:05 p.m.
I don't know why it's "sub optimal" to use the cloud from an isolated network. Can you elaborate? -mel beckman
On Oct 9, 2016, at 10:28 AM, "Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu" <Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu> wrote:
On Sun, 09 Oct 2016 14:31:54 -0000, Mel Beckman said:
I just bought a $20 Lacrosse remote RF temperature sensor hub for home, the GW-1000U. It does the usual IoT things: after you plug it in, it gets a DHCP address and phones home, then you register it using a smartphone on the same LAN, which I'm guessing finds the device via a broadcast and then configures the hub with my Lacrosse account info. All communication is thereafter through the cloud.
That last sentence is sub-optimal. And as you note, things go downhill from there....