16 May
16 May
10:34 p.m.
On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 03:57:20PM -0600, Michael Loftis wrote:
Now this is interesting to me, because proxad has been at least as big a pain in my side as far as drones and SPAM sources. [snip]
Anyone else seeing the same amount of problems with these guys?
Yes. My current list shows 5032 distinct hosts emitting spam from within their network, and that's as measured from a very small test server -- I would imagine that large production servers are seeing a lot more. This places them behind Comcast, Verizon and a couple of others, but still solidly in the top ten. Mitigation: I recommend rejecting all mail traffic from hosts whose names match these patterns: *.adsl.proxad.net *.dial.proxad.net *.fbx.proxad.net ---Rsk