Come on folk. The useful, as opposed to ISP-bashing, answers are:
o All ISPs have an outage mailing list. Ask your ISP to get on theirs.
I agree. Tell your ISP you want an outage mailing list, and you would like it if the ISP actually posted outage information to that list. I got back on the Sprint list, my subscription having vanished, and Sprint list has improved a lot. CNN and http://www.news.com/ still seem to "scoop" most providers though.
o For overall info, Stan Barber is running an outage mailing list.
I just checked my subscription, and I think I'm still subscribed to it. But I haven't seen anything posted on outage-discuss@academ.com since last year. The last thing I remember was a brief announcement of Craig's Inter-Provider Notification web pages. The outage list hosted by dal.net seems to have more traffic, although a lot of it obviously involves dal.net IRC servers.