Level 3 provides best effort IPv6 support with no SLA to current Internet customers. As mentioned IPv6 is currently being provided via tunnels to the customer's existing router. There is a simple service agreement addendum and form to fill out for relevant config bits. Sorry you get such a response from people that should know. *sigh* regards -Craig (Level 3 architecture) * Jay Hennigan was thought to have said:
Is anyone at Level3 who is familiar with IPv6, or anyone who is a Level3 IPv6 customer lurking here? We are a Level3 BGP customer and our contacts are giving us a deer-in-the-headlights stare when we want to bring up our /32, claiming that they don't do IPv6 at all. Not native, not tunneled, zip, nada.
Yet, I see lots of AS3356 in the ipv6 routing tables, and there's this from three years ago...