On Jul 2, 2014, at 2:23 PM, Matthew Petach <mpetach@netflight.com> wrote:
Is the INOC-DBA project still around? Would love to sign up for that and be able to check off #3 as well.
Yep. We had a bit of a dry spell on funding for it for a while, but we have someone starting full-time on it again in mid-August, and we’ve had some very good volunteers that have tided us over during the times when we didn’t have funded staff for it. And Cisco have, of course, been very generous with continuous support since INOC-DBA was rolled out in 2001. We’re in the process of a web-site overhaul that will include a new INOC-DBA configuration portal, and we’re currently testing out the new DX650 phones. I’m anticipating that a fair bit of the last few years’ development work will actually get rolled out in production over the course of the next year; there was quite a bit backed up behind the lack of full-time staff. -Bill