Thus spake Barry Shein
All that proves is someone has a sense of humor. I've seen plenty of No I think it indicates that a bunch of clowns have taken over what Actually, it proves that they are running the Juniper SMTP and haven't Well, maybe you missed the part about the website for the San Francisco Consulate of the Kingdom of Tonga (which the US State Dept
On September 30, 1998 at 20:03 darcy@druid.net (D'Arcy J. M. Cain) wrote: lists as their official presence in the US) being an advertisement for a software company.
Uh, no. All I was trying to do was add a little information to the discussion. If I had known nothing about Juniper but knew something that explained why you saw an ad on the website I would have addressed that issue. I wasn't even arguing for or against your position. All I was trying to do was correct a factual error.
It was all part of a picture that the .to domain may have ceased to serve as a country TLD for the Kingdom of Tonga.
And as I tried to point out, part of the picture was false. Those messages are the standard ones that come with a particular SMTP daemon. Not that I am suggesting that there would be something wrong with having a sense of humour but in this case it was simply a more or less blind software install.
What if a country ceased to exist entirely and the domain they were using was hijacked by some random, unrelated entity for their own malicious purposes? Would that justify decommissioning the TLD
I don't know. I'm not the one making these decisions. Are you?
(meaning, removing it from the root servers)?
Ok, no need to be patronizing. I think everyone here knows what you mean. -- D'Arcy J.M. Cain <darcy@{druid|vex}.net> | Democracy is three wolves http://www.druid.net/darcy/ | and a sheep voting on +1 416 424 2871 (DoD#0082) (eNTP) | what's for dinner.