At which point one starts looking at the risk factors, if your whole facility is "redundant", is the power feed coming in from two geographically diverse substations, via diverse duct banks, into diverse entry vaults, and diverse risers? Doesn't eliminate the possibility of the entire building having some catastrophic emergency, but if you really need to use a singular specific geographic facility, can reduce the risk The giant new electrical vault built under 6th Ave in Seattle in front of the Westin Building back in 2016/2017 is an example of such diversity. On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 7:08 PM Sean Donelan <sean@donelan.com> wrote:
On Mon, 23 Oct 2023, James Jun wrote:
"2N" generally means you're connected to completely different UPS system/complex and corresponding distribution systems for each of your circuit. This is ideal configuration for most critical loads.
If you are in a single facility, even one with 2N+2 backups, redundancy, diversity, etc., it still has shared fate. Clouds with regions and zones on campuses in Eastern Virginia seem to come up with new and exciting ways to fail :-)