-----Original Message----- From: woods@weird.com [mailto:woods@weird.com]
Was there not once upon a time there was a proposal to require cable-cos to provide what would effectively be layer-2 service to any IP provider?
Yes there was until the FCC kindly stepped in and told the cable companies that they didn't need to bother with any of that open access stuff (followed by their brilliant ruling that removed the necessity of ILECs to allow unbundled access to people like Covad, etc) Thanks FCC for ensuring that all of us yokels don't have to go through the pain of deciding which ISP to get our broadband from, since we'll only have one choice per broadband type soon..... --Tim =============================================== Timothy M. Wolfe CCSE/NSA/CCNA Sr. Security Engineer tim@ignw.com InfoGroup Northwest 541.485.0957 x108 ===============================================