On 14/Feb/19 17:10, Aaron Gould wrote:
Not sure if this is what y'all are talking about, but I use lots of Juniper ACX5048 (previously Cisco ME3600 or ASR9000) for mpls-capable router edging in native ip/ethernet from ftth gpon network into mpls l2circuits and LOTS of vrf.... vrf for public ip, vrf for cgnat for private ip, vrf for voice... I'm glad I did it.
Residential----- ONT-----ftth/gpon------OLT------ACX5048-----mpls/vrf x-------cgnat/inet------
Residential----- DSL Modem-----DSLAM-----------ACX5048-----mpls/vrf y-------cgnat/inet------
Residential----- Cable Modem-----CMTS-----------ACX5048-----mpls/vrf z-------cgnat/inet------
I've never been a fan of the ACX because of its merchant silicon. On the other hand, that makes it quite affordable. Mark.