28 May
28 May
5:53 p.m.
At 08:33 AM 5/28/97 -0500, you wrote:
Anyone else have any information on this?
(re: Spamford's C&W connection) I saw it a while back, and immediately blocked all mail from that class C. I haven't had complaints yet :-). The error message given in these cases, is along the lines of "if this error is wrong contact postmaster@..." which is (mostly) never filtered here. -- Jason Fesler jfesler@calweb.com 'whois jf319' | "Time is an illusion; Admin, CalWeb Internet Services www.calweb.com | lunchtime, doubly so." Junk email returned in bulk; 1 cc to your postmaster | -Ford Prefect in HHGTTG Junk mail probs? http://www.gigo.com/junkmail.htm | by Douglas Adams