bmanning@is.rice.edu (William Manning) writes * Milo S. Medin * > * > * > I thought 192.9.200 was also essentially that way. It's been the default * > network number you get when you hit <return> when SunOS is configuring * > it's network number... :-) * > * * Nope, Sun turned that one in sometime back. Its been re-assigned. My two cents in this discussion. Daniel Karrenberg and Yakov are drafting such an RFC. The implications are the bits that need to be well documented. The matter is not as simple as "not connecting to the Internet", because one should realize that one also cannot connect to another organisation doing the same thing with the same number. It basically assumes "no connectivity" to any other organisation .... Daniel will be at the regional techs next week, I think those involved and interested should take things up with him. -Marten