Paul Vixie wrote:
if you find me 300Ksqft along the caltrain fiber corridor in the peninsula where i can get 10mW of power and have enough land around it for 10mW worth of genset, and the price per sqft is low enough that i can charge by the watt and floor space be damned and still come out even or ahead, then please do send me the address.
Well, there are alternatives to the 10mW power and 10mW genset... 10-20mW (or more) of nuclear power/gensets. Get off the grid, sell back some power to the grid, reduce your costs for power, especially peak rate power, and be able to brag about having your own nuke plant. This may give you more flexibility in finding the space along the fibre corridor... BTW, I did some quick googling and found a few interesting links related to smaller nuclear generator systems: http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Toshiba's_Micro_Nuclear_Reactor http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/nuclear/page/analysis/nucenviss2.html http://www.eoearth.org/article/Small_nuclear_power_reactors http://www.uic.com.au/nip60.htm And if you have access to a deep harbor: http://atomic.msco.ru/cgi-bin/common.cgi?lang=eng&skin=menu1&fn=projects :-) Brian