The list seems to be showing relays that announce both the IPv4 and the IPv6 anycast prefixes.
I have noticed a number of deployments that announce the (in)famous IPv4 prefix and then consider their deployment complete. I suspect that there is a lack of 2002::/16 announcements and this would be contributing to the regular problems with return paths.
Obviously the IPv6 content networks benefit the most from having a relay translating back to IPv4.
Anyone have experience with this?
-- Graham Beneke
Is there a reason not to advertise more specific prefixes from 2002::/16 to ensure that traffic for your v4 routes comes back to your own 6to4 router? If for example all my users have v4 addresses in, I could advertise 2002:C002:0000::/40 instead of or in addition to the full 2002::/16. Cheers. Mitchell