Dear NANOG Community, The Program Committee wanted to take a moment to clear up some confusion regarding the below email. The Committee votes as a group to accept or decline talk proposals, including tracks and tutorials. At this point, no proposed talks have been accepted for NANOG 75. Additionally, we would like to re-iterate that the Program Committee is currently soliciting talks from anyone that would like to present at NANOG 75. Talks can be submitted via the program committee tool at https://pc.nanog.org. Once you have submitted your talk, you will be assigned a shepherd from the Program Committee who will work with you through the entire process. If there are any questions or concerns regarding presenting at NANOG, please feel free to contact the Program Committee at pc@nanog.org. Kind Regards, Brad Raymo Program Committee Chair On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 5:46 PM John Kristoff <jtk@depaul.edu> wrote:
[ Apologies if you saw this elsewhere already - jtk ]
Friends, colleagues, fellow operators,
The network security track, formerly known as the ISP security BoF, has plans to return at NANOG 75 in San Francisco February 18-20. I will be your track facilitator.
I have a small handful of topics I'm soliciting from some folks directly, but options are good, and I may be missing something important. If you haven't heard from me already, then I want to hear your ideas or proposals. This is a good, casual place to go with netsec related ideas, tools, or case studies. Here is an incomplete list of relevant topics to stir your thoughts:
* IRRs, BGPSEC, and RPKI * DDoS attacks and mitigation * Botnet case studies * ISP incident response tools * Network censorship and privacy * Threat sharing frameworks * Network equipment configuration/default BCPs * Spoofing, amplification, reflection threats * ...insert your idea here