Is DWDM considered a reliable/scalable/operable carrier interconnection technology?
Is multi-vendor DWDM (whether internal to the network or for carrier interconnection) practical or sensible, especially for carrier/network interconnection? Many vendors proclaim interoperability, but does that work in the real world?
I cannot speak to commonality, but I can offer a real world scenario: We merged two light rails consisting of Ciena and the other Fujitsu, both claimed to be standards compliant, but somehow inoperable after the deal was signed. After much lab work (and many a lawyer's call), we found that they both were in fact compliant; however, watch out for the optional parameters. Where one may leave an optional bit blank, another may use it... Or not understand the use of it. We ended up having to use some intermediary gear to make the conversion, extra money, but it narrowly saved a job or two. Some wise man once said: That's the great thing standards, there are so many to choose from. Just do the homework yourself, and don't leave it up to the sales engineers. GL, --j --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.434 / Virus Database: 243 - Release Date: 12/25/2002