Randy, thank you for the reminder to look also at what services (L4 ports) should be generally blocked. As I was implementing a similar rule for logging purposes, I discovered an oddity with $VENDOR_C_XR ACLs. I created the following: object-group port TCPUDP-BLOCKED eq 0 eq sunrpc eq 445 range 137 139 exit ipv4 access-list IPV4-INET-IN 10 remark BCP 84 for transits, IX, and peering 101 remark *** Block bogon networks as src or dest *** 110 deny ipv4 net-group IPV4-BOGON any 111 deny ipv4 any net-group IPV4-BOGON 201 remark *** Blocked protocols PERMIT FOR NOW *** 210 permit udp any port-group TCPUDP-BLOCKED any log 211 permit udp any any port-group TCPUDP-BLOCKED log 212 permit tcp any port-group TCPUDP-BLOCKED any log 213 permit tcp any any port-group TCPUDP-BLOCKED log [snip] ipv4 access-list IPV4-INET-OUT 10 remark BCP 84 for transits, IX, and peering 101 remark *** Block bogon networks as src or dest *** 110 deny ipv4 net-group IPV4-BOGON any 111 deny ipv4 any net-group IPV4-BOGON 201 remark *** Blocked protocols PERMIT FOR NOW *** 210 permit udp any port-group TCPUDP-BLOCKED any log 211 permit udp any any port-group TCPUDP-BLOCKED log 212 permit tcp any port-group TCPUDP-BLOCKED any log 213 permit tcp any any port-group TCPUDP-BLOCKED log [snip] After I did this, logs on our syslog server started growing like crazy. It was full of entries like: 2020-10-21T01:47:17-05:00,info,RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:Oct 21 01:47:17.972 CDT: ipv4_acl_mgr[305]: %ACL-IPV4_ACL-6-IPACCESSLOGP : access-list IPV4-INET-OUT (210) permit udp on.net.ip.adr(0) -> off.net.ip.adr(0), 5 packets 2020-10-21T02:01:08-05:00,info,RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Oct 21 02:01:08.490 CDT: ipv4_acl_mgr[263]: %ACL-IPV4_ACL-6-IPACCESSLOGP : access-list IPV4-INET-IN (210) permit udp off.net.ip.adr(0) -> on.net.ip.adr(0), 58 packets After wondering why in the world my customers were sending so much data on port 0, I found a few different sources saying that port 0 is commonly used in place of valid information when dealing with fragments. Turns out that $VENDOR_C_XR does this too. It wasn't clear why fragments would be matching that rule until I found the right vendor doc. The router will pass IP fragments with a "permit" ACL line as long as that fragment's layer 3 info matches the layer 3 information in the ACL. The router logs the packet similar the above: L4 protocol with source and dest port = 0. From the doc: ----- For an access-list entry containing Layer 3 and Layer 4 information: • The entry is applied to non-fragmented packets and initial fragments. • If the entry matches and is a permit statement, the packet or fragment is permitted. • If the entry matches and is a deny statement, the packet or fragment is denied. The entry is also applied to non-initial fragments in the following manner. Because non-initial fragments contain only Layer 3 information, only the Layer 3 portion of an access-list entry can be applied. If the Layer 3 portion of the access-list entry matches, and • If the entry is a permit statement, the non-initial fragment is permitted. • If the entry is a deny statement, the next access-list entry is processed. The deny statements are handled differently for non-initial fragments versus non-fragmented or initial fragments. ----- Since my rule's L3 info was permit any source to any destination, any IP fragment would match the rule, be passed, and be logged. The solution was to add rules explicitly permitting fragments above the layer 4 rules: ipv4 access-list IPV4-INET-IN 10 remark BCP 84 for transits, IX, and peering 101 remark *** Block bogon networks as src or dest *** 110 deny ipv4 net-group IPV4-BOGON any 111 deny ipv4 any net-group IPV4-BOGON 201 remark *** Blocked protocols PERMIT FOR NOW *** 203 permit ipv4 net-group IPV4-CUST any fragments 204 permit ipv4 net-group IPV4-BACKDOOR-HOSTS any fragments 205 permit ipv4 any net-group IPV4-BGP-AGG fragments 206 permit ipv4 any net-group IPV4-CUST fragments 210 permit udp any port-group TCPUDP-BLOCKED any log 211 permit udp any any port-group TCPUDP-BLOCKED log 212 permit tcp any port-group TCPUDP-BLOCKED any log 213 permit tcp any any port-group TCPUDP-BLOCKED log Logs are a lot calmer now in terms of new lines per minute, and far more relevant. When we switch those rules to deny statements, we can eliminate the rules specifically permitting fragments. Looks like $VENDOR_J makes things so much simpler for this task. Thanks, -Brian On 2020-10-20 00:18, Randy Bush wrote:
term blocked-ports { from { protocol [ tcp udp ]; first-fragment; destination-port [ 0 sunrpc 135 netbios-ns netbios-dgm netbios-ssn 111 445 syslog 11211]; } then { sample; discard; } }
and i block all external access to weak devices such as switches, pdus, ipmi, ...